Wow, I have missed a few updates it would seem. Well, I think that each one of these has something unique that no other one has had. Mega Electric has the most I would say. The Huge Male, and all the extra parts. I think the only parts I didn't had a template for were the belt, it just had to be sized, and the gas mask part. Next, Widowed. What cna I say but she was fun to make. I really like her toon, and the lady behind it her is even better! Taught me all about my snappy comments durring a fight, some people love it, some people don't. But I always have a good time. He hat was very difficult to do, I needed to make sure it came out ok. She is too cool to let any half-arse work come out for her. Once again, I hate black on black. Widowed had some nice green in her look, so I did it all in dark dark green, while Bonestrike was black and white. So she gets purple. Oh well. Psybeetle - Vaction Look. I did this one just for fun, I think he is the only one who I didn't have to really make anything and just use all templates. Thunder Mace, trying to make that mace was harsh, so I just used the one from my fave template website, http://www.geocities.com/wicket_harley/ I'm going to have to get myself added to his web ring one of these days.
Well, my template vault is really getting big. I might just have to post them all one of these days, but then I would have to convert them all over to .gif files, and I just don't want to do that. Maybe I'll mix them all into one file, oh well.