Tuesday, May 29, 2007

New Wings and Dark Colors.

Iloved the image he had and how this guy looked. I just WISH there wasn't so much black on this micro. The wings turned out very nice tho.

Friday, May 11, 2007

It can be Nice to be Nice.

I made this one just because I liked her classic look. National Star is a member of EB biggest fan club, The Defenders of Paragon. She has a great look, very classic comic book.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

She leaves bunt cake in her wake...

My fave pirate lady has dropped of another collection of yummy warm treats, and this is what I have come up with. Grelle is cool looking. Adding the wings was some kind of crazy. I think I re-did them like three times.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Something Old. Something New.

I find it funny that each time I go back, and look at this micro, I have to change something to update on how I do things now. EB was one, if not, my first real micro. And I find myself updating him at least once a year. This trip I added the cool staff that I found in Mystic's micro page. I changed it to fit with my colors, but I still like it. He has a much cooler lightning effect tho. Adam4nt was a request from a new user, but I liked it. I was surprized that I did not have Crey Gloves already made. So Crey gloves, flared. And there you have it.

Friday, May 04, 2007

I did it for the Basket of Warm Yummy!

Dark Frost

I love her, and I hate her. She has some of the best images of town. But why OH why does she put so much black on her toons? Dark Frost Bite. Very cool. But I hate the black in her. Oh well. You loose some of the tatoo but its still very cool.

Cutness Overload!

OK I was told I had to do this one because she was so darn cute. And I have to agree she is. The micro isn't even close to how Pinny really looks. So much detail on her outfit. So little space to actually make her. But I think it came out nice. I might have wanted to make the orange lighter, but thats ok. #47 villian.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Another version

Astartus made a version of Techno Shock once. I am pritty sure it was the same guy. But I like this one. Not much real work. Used my own version of the legs, and redid the arms a bit, and changed the helmet. But it is more his micro then it is mine. Biggest thing I did was change all the colors.

These are not the kind of Bees your mom told you about.

Mask Revenger has once again given me something fun to work with. Mindsting is his newest creation. Its these really cool looking toons that make me want to get back in and play again. I still play, just not as much as I used to. I guess real life is keeping me from doing what I love. Oh I'll get back to playing soon. I'll want to do nothing else for several months. Its just my off time. =P Anyway back to the micro. The chest part was new, and updated the spikes, I thought the old ones where a bit large. Well, I hope he likes it anyway.